Embedding vs Empowering
Embedding our (Next) Generation

Embedding our (Next) Generation
Embedding our (Next) Generation

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Message to our (Next) Generation
Expect from the CURRENT generation that they facilitate your living togetherness and that the CURRENT generation 'solves' the CURRENT collective issues, simply expect from the CURRENT generation that they pass on something essential to your generation, that they do not leave the profound shit behind for you (and expect the sollution from you instead).

This is true for the CURRENT generation among EACH OTHER as well: it is very easy to embed your fellow human. Every (human)child needs to know that they cost nothing onto society nor their fellow (human)child.

What does the current generation pass on to the next generation?
Hollow statements addressed to the next generation like "you must do it next generation, we expect the solutions from you, but we do not provide you the means, no existence, no position, and do not address us because then you will hurt us".

Especially women make this kind of hollow statements towards the next generation, because they themselves do not dare to take their position... they themselves REFUSE to 'normally' live together. And men too of course.

From inner emptiness you pass on emptiness to the next generation and you refuse to embed and facilitate the beautiful free awareness of them.

This is true for the CURRENT generation among EACH OTHER as well: where you read 'next generation' you can read 'fellow humans' as well.

Discernment empowering vs embedding
There are children out there with beautiful and powerful consciousness and talents, because they are born on the free foundation of this spirit of times, from with they feel the (inner) space to express themSelves.

Youngsters between 16-26 year-old (and even younger) you can learn to sense if one passes on true and essential embedding or only hollow emptiness.

It is not about empowering the next generation even: it is about embedding them which is more profound then empowering them. Kids have no low self esteem, that is not the issue. they do belief in themselves.

The issue is that most people do not truly connect with them and their talents.

The next generations doesn't need hollow empowerment, they are in need of an embedding by which they can flow freely and bring to Earth what they have to bring. And it is our generation that are the ones who 'should' embed the next generation, connect with them, co-create with them in togetherness.

People who say things to them like: "YOU can change the world" are talking an hollow affirmation and are canalizing the life force energy of the next generation and are misusing them as a tool... Those people do not connect, they do not co-create with them, they do not give the next generation a position.

Where you read 'next generation' you can read 'fellow humans' as well. Regarding empowering: we can hold space for the other... be it our children or be it our fellow humans, but we cann't do it for the other.

Embedding the other however we surely can and is organic behavior on the 'New Earth' which is an organic one.

Free flow(ering)
When a child is born on the 'New Earth' it receives the experience of embedding. It receives the experience of being enough as it is. The child receives the experience that it is safe on this 'New Earth' which is an organic one. The child receives the experience that it is worthy and has its own economical value. It receives the experience of The Law of Equi(valent) Exchange. Abundance is not robbed from the child. The natural self esteem is not robbed from the child: that's why the child isn't in need of empowerment: the child simply knows who it is and doesn't experience a devaluation conflict.

A (human)child doesn't need empowering, a (human)child needs embedding, by which a (human)child can stay in free flow(ering) and a free current.

We need to stop the robbery of the free flow(ering) and free current from every (human)child.

When you are a parent and you want guidance how to be a parent from the 'New Earth References' please look here.

mascha roedelof
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mas©ha 2019

Luister Column in het Nederlands

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